السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
النسخه الساخنه لاول مره على المنتديات العربيه
Windows 7 Build 7137 just leaked a few days ago after almost two weeks since Build 7127 leaked. This is the second build leak since Windows 7 Release Candidate (Build 7100.) Like the past few post-beta builds, this build was also leaked by Zukonka. Zukonka has been known to be a long-time legitimate leaker. It has been said that this build is so new that it has yet to be distributed to TAP Gold partners. The build has been verified as a legit leak.
s expected, the rumored changelog that a lot of us saw is not true. This build looks just like the RC. Changes most likely lie in improved compatibility and bug fixing now that Windows 7 is post-RC. Below are the official hashes for the image. Make sure to check the hash of your image with a tool such as MD5Checker to ensure that your image has not been tampered with in any way.
Windows 7 Build 7137 x86 Download:
File Name: 7137.0.090521-1745_x86fre_client_en-us_Retail_Ultimate-GRMCULFRER_EN_DVD.iso.torrent
MD5: 2f7520915dff55380e979e67ae4687db
SHA1: ff9c8751095e77be0fd4a0a0a937e3eab0c18943
CRC32: 3d4eef0c
Windows 7 Build 7137 x64 Download:
File Name: 7137.0.090521-1745_x64fre_client_en-us_Retail_Ultimate-GRMCULXFRER_EN_DVD.iso.torrent
MD5: 0d863472414efc337d032e8ed33c347b
SHA1: 8e35d15281a554fd890ad682249e485b9b82278c
CRC32: 06047573
CRC32: 06047573
Windows 7 Build 7137 32bit (x86) Language Packs
English (EN-US): en-us_x86.zip
Arabic (AR-SA): ar-sa_x86.zip
Bulgarian (BG-BG): bg-bg_x86.zip
Simplified Chinese (ZH-CN): zh-cn_x86.zip
Traditional Chinese Hong Kong(ZH-HK): zh-hk_x86.zip
Traditional Chinese Taiwan(ZH-TW): zh-tw_x86.zip
Croatian (HR-HR): hr-hr_x86.zip
Czech (CS-CZ): cs-cz_x86.zip
Danish (DA-DK): da-dk_x86.zip
Dutch (NL-NL): nl-nl_x86.zip
Estonian (ET-EE): et-ee_x86.zip
Finnish (FI-FI): fi-fi_x86.zip
French (FR-FR): fr-fr_x86.zip
German (DE-DE): de-de_x86.zip
Greek (EL-GR): el-gr_x86.zip
Hebrew (HE-IL): he-il_x86.zip
Hungarian (HU-HU): hu-hu_x86.zip
Italian (IT-IT): it-it_x86.zip
Japanese (JA-JP): ja-jp_x86.zip
Korean (KO-KR): ko-kr_x86.zip
Latvian (LV-LV): lv-lv_x86.zip
Lithuanian (LT-LT): lt-lt_x86.zip
Norwegian (NB-NO): nb-no_x86.zip
Polish (PL-PL): pl-pl_x86.zip
Portuguese (PT-PT): pt-pt_x86.zip
Brazilian Portuguese (PT-BR): pt-br_x86.zip
Romanian (RO-RO): ro-ro_x86.zip
Russian (RU-RU): ru-ru_x86.zip
Serbian or Latin (SR-LATN-CS): sr-latn-cs_x86.zip
Slovak (SK-SK): sk-sk_x86.zip
Slovenian (SL-SI): sl-si_x86.zip
Spanish (ES-ES): es-es_x86.zip
Swedish (SV-SE): sv-se_x86.zip
Thai (TH-TH): th-th_x86.zip
Turkish (TR-TR): tr-tr_x86.zip
Ukrainian (UK-UA): uk-ua_x86.zip
الروابط على الرابيد شير
مقسمه الى 22 ملف
الحجم الكلي 4.06 جيجا لتوضيح حزمه اللغات كلها حجمها 1.8 جيجا
اما الاسطوانه حجمها 2.36 على ملف ايزو http://rapidshare.com/files/242557925/Microsoft_Windows_7_Bld_7137_32_Bit___Language_Paks.part01.rar